“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving"
Psalm 95:2

It would be great to see you at one of our Sunday worship services. We love having the opportunity to worship God together, & we want everyone to feel as welcome as possible.
What should I expect?
When you arrive you will be greeted by someone from the welcome team. If you have any questions about the service, or any practical needs, then they will be more than happy to assist you. Church bulletins will also be available if you haven’t already received one via email.
Although we take the worship of God seriously, our services are relaxed & friendly. There is no dress code & we follow a fairly simple format (a mixture of old & new hymns, prayers, communion, bible readings, and a message from God’s word).
Our services normally last just over an hour & there is an opportunity to chat with others afterwards. Of course, if you need to go straight away then that is fine as well.
We love having children as part of our Church family. We have a children’s talk as part of the main service, & just before the main Bible message the children can go to either crèche or junior Church. All volunteers have gone through the proper safeguarding procedures.
Although there is an offering box for everyone who would like to contribute to the needs of the Church, we will never ask for money, & you should never feel pressurised into giving.
We look forward to welcoming you, & if you have any more questions then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.